Month: July 2013

  • Clouds and Rain

    Clearly, the attempt to blog the trip didn't pan out, but the trip itself went very well. We camped, we saw mountains, we visited Grandma, we ate pizza, we brought Grandma back with us, got spoiled at a resort, ate barbecue, and sent Grandma home before the heat of Texas summer addled her mind. 

    Summer is zipping by. This cold spell we're having, with several days of clouds and thunderstorms, has been a great break. A not so great break is my oven exploding. What? Never had your oven decide what it's missing right now is fireworks and decide to create some of its own? You are missing an exciting thirty seconds, friends. Yellow sparks, blue sparks, a sizzling noise that will make you wonder if you need the fire department...a good time for all.  Happily, July in Texas isn't a time I like to use the oven, anyway.

    The kids are having a good summer. Seph is at writing camp this week, which involves a story about vampire Bunnies. Rone is working on multiplication, and trying to swim full laps of the pool underwater. Cotton gave up floaties in the pool this summer, and is really hoping this summer is a Two Trips to Schlitterbahn Summer. 

    That's Cotton with a duck at her cousin's party. Did you know you can rent a petting zoo? I did not either!



    With Grandma at Jefferson Diner. Where far too many chocolate shakes were had. Me? I ate pierogis.

    And this one is from a while ago, included because just *look* at Chance. That's gotta make you laugh.