September 16, 2013

  • Swim and Song

    This weekend has all of us wiped out for today.

    The three of us here at home are lucky, and can take it easy. In the ongoing efforts to keep the lodge open, we've hired lawyers, and the kids and I were at a fundraising concert at the lodge on Sunday, followed by a swim. Why listening to someone sing, then watching people swim can make me so sore the next day I do not understand,but I've decided blaming the kids will give me the least amount of mental distress.

    Rone is watching animal shows, and Cotton just finished her art project. This week her book is The Rag Coat, so she was making 'rag' coats for paper dolls out of paper.

    At one point while driving around on Saturday, all three kids decided that while our house is big enough, there is too much stuff in it. And it's not as clean as it should be. Cue riotous laughter in my head. I did manage to not point out that most of the stuff in our house belongs to them/clothes them/feeds them/entertains them. Here is to a new era of cleanliness at the house, based on everyone taking personal responsibility for their own messes and also pitching in on the more general tasks necessary to have a home as clean as ones that are professionally attended to.

    Or just more whining in about a month about how nothing seems cleaner than it did before this realization. One of those.